David Wasserstrom

Public Relations/Content Director


It is with heavy hearts that we regret to inform you of the passing of our dear friend, colleague, brilliant guitarist and golfer, David Wasserstrom, who lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. We all bore witness to David’s suffering, but we also watched as he faced his illness with such dignity and courage. The treatments knocked him down, and we watched with marvel as he sprung back up. He continued playing golf, playing his many guitars, working and going about his life.

David epitomized patience, endurance and stoicism. For those familiar with the Black Knight in Monty Python, who lost his legs and arms in battle, yet kept hopping around on his torso, shouting, “It’s just a flesh wound, come back and fight!” That was David. Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine, tell me how YOU are doing.

We can no longer see or touch David, but we’ll know he’s with us when we hear the music he loved to play; when we drink a great cup of coffee, watch a golf match on TV, drive along a scenic road, or eat some amazing barbecue. We’ll take strength from his example of facing adversity with grace and courage as we stare down our own challenges in the years ahead.

Godspeed our dear friend.


As a content director and former award-winning journalist, David’s talents lied in synthesizing information from a variety of sources, sifting through technical jargon, translating complicated concepts into easily accessible material and projecting a clean, straightforward tone. David also ran large client engagements and knew how client service should really be delivered. Dependable, accountable and creatively charged, his professional experience spanned more than 20 years. David was accredited (APR) by the Public Relations Society of America. APR is the PR profession’s only national post-graduate certification program and its premier credential.


  • The University of Denver


  • Being a professional guitarist
  • The Prime Directive, a jazz/blues ensemble
  • ICON, a popular smooth jazz quintet
  • Golf
  • History
  • World events